Welcome to ftd2xx’s documentation!¶
Control FTDI USB chips.
Use ftd2xx.open
or ftd2xx.openEx
- with open(0) as device:
device.write(b”Hello World!”)
- exception ftd2xx.DeviceError(message)¶
Exception class for status messages
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- Parameters:
message (int | Any)
- class ftd2xx.FTD2XX(handle, update=True)¶
Class for communicating with an FTDI device
to create an instance of this class.Create an instance of the FTD2XX class with the given device handle and populate the device info in the instance dictionary.
- Parameters:
update (bool) – Set False to disable automatic (slow) call to createDeviceInfoList
handle (ftd2xx._ftd2xx.FT_HANDLE)
- close()¶
Close the device handle
- Return type:
- clrDtr()¶
Clear the DTR signal of the FTDI device.
- clrRts()¶
Clear the RTS signal of the FTDI device.
- cyclePort()¶
- eeProgram(progdata=None, **kwds)¶
Program the EEPROM with custom data. If SerialNumber is null, a new serial number is generated from ManufacturerId
- Parameters:
progdata (ftd2xx._ftd2xx.ft_program_data | None)
- Return type:
- eeRead()¶
Get the program information from the EEPROM
- Return type:
- eeUARead(b_to_read)¶
Read b_to_read bytes from the EEPROM user area
- Parameters:
b_to_read (int)
- Return type:
- eeUASize()¶
Get the EEPROM user area size
- Return type:
- eeUAWrite(data)¶
Write data to the EEPROM user area. data must be a bytes object with appropriate byte values
- Parameters:
data (bytes)
- Return type:
- getBitMode()¶
- Return type:
- getComPortNumber()¶
Return a long representing the COM port number
- Return type:
- getDeviceInfo()¶
Returns a dictionary describing the device.
- Return type:
- getDriverVersion()¶
- Return type:
- getEventStatus()¶
- getLatencyTimer()¶
- Return type:
- getModemStatus()¶
Get the modem status of the FTDI device.
- Return type:
- getQueueStatus()¶
Get number of bytes in receive queue.
- Return type:
- getStatus()¶
Return a 3-tuple of rx queue bytes, tx queue bytes and event status
- handle¶
- abstract ioctl()¶
Not implemented
- purge(mask=0)¶
Purge the receive and/or transmit buffers
- Parameters:
mask (int)
- read(nchars, raw=True)¶
Read up to nchars bytes of data from the device. Can return fewer if timedout. Use getQueueStatus to find how many bytes are available
- Parameters:
nchars (int)
raw (bool)
- Return type:
- resetDevice()¶
Reset the device
- resetPort()¶
- restartInTask()¶
- setBaudRate(baud)¶
Set the baud rate
- Parameters:
baud (int)
- Return type:
- setBitMode(mask, enable)¶
- Parameters:
mask (int)
enable (int)
- setBreakOff()¶
- setBreakOn()¶
- setChars(evch, evch_en, erch, erch_en)¶
Set the event and error characters for UART
- Parameters:
evch (int)
evch_en (int)
erch (int)
erch_en (int)
- setDataCharacteristics(wordlen, stopbits, parity)¶
Set the data characteristics for UART
- Parameters:
wordlen (int)
stopbits (int)
parity (int)
- setDeadmanTimeout(timeout)¶
Set the deadman timeout in milliseconds
- Parameters:
timeout (int)
- setDivisor(div)¶
Set the clock divider. The clock will be set to 6e6/(div + 1).
- Parameters:
div (int)
- setDtr()¶
Set the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal of the FTDI device.
- setEventNotification(evtmask, evthandle)¶
- Parameters:
evtmask (int)
- setFlowControl(flowcontrol, xon=-1, xoff=-1)¶
Set the flow control for UART
- Parameters:
flowcontrol (int)
xon (int)
xoff (int)
- setLatencyTimer(latency)¶
- Parameters:
latency (int)
- setRestPipeRetryCount(count)¶
- setRts()¶
Set the RTS (Request To Send) signal of the FTDI device.
- setTimeouts(read, write)¶
Set the read and write timeouts in milliseconds
- Parameters:
read (int)
write (int)
- setUSBParameters(in_tx_size, out_tx_size=0)¶
Set the USB request transfer sizes
- Parameters:
in_tx_size (int)
out_tx_size (int)
- setWaitMask(mask)¶
- Parameters:
mask (int)
- status¶
- stopInTask()¶
- waitOnMask()¶
- write(data)¶
Send the data to the device. Data must be a string representing the bytes to be sent
- Parameters:
data (bytes)
- ftd2xx.call_ft(function, *args)¶
Call an FTDI function and check the status. Raise exception on error
- Parameters:
function (Callable)
- ftd2xx.createDeviceInfoList()¶
Create the internal device info list and return number of entries
- Return type:
- ftd2xx.ft_program_data¶
- ftd2xx.getDeviceInfoDetail(devnum=0, update=True)¶
Get an entry from the internal device info list. Set update to False to avoid a slow call to createDeviceInfoList.
- Parameters:
devnum (int)
update (bool)
- Return type:
- ftd2xx.getLibraryVersion()¶
Return a long representing library version
- Return type:
- ftd2xx.listDevices(flags=0)¶
Return a list of serial numbers(default), descriptions or locations (Windows only) of the connected FTDI devices depending on value of flags
- Parameters:
flags (int)
- Return type:
list[bytes] | None
- ftd2xx.open(dev=0, update=True)¶
Open a handle to a usb device by index and return an FTD2XX instance for it. Set update to False to avoid a slow call to createDeviceInfoList.
- Parameters:
dev (int) – The device number to open.
update (bool) – Set to False to disable automatic call to createDeviceInfoList.
- Raises:
DeviceError – If the device cannot be opened.
- Returns:
An instance of the FTD2XX class if successful. Use it as a context manager.
- Return type:
- with open(0, False) as dev:
dev.write(b”Hello World”)
- ftd2xx.openEx(id_str, flags=defines.OPEN_BY_SERIAL_NUMBER, update=True)¶
Open a handle to a usb device by serial number(default), description or location(Windows only) depending on value of flags and return an FTD2XX instance for it. Set update to False to avoid a slow call to createDeviceInfoList.
- Parameters:
id_str (bytes) – The ID string from listDevices.
flags (int) – Flag (consult D2XX Guide). Defaults to OPEN_BY_SERIAL_NUMBER.
update (bool) – Set to False to disable automatic call to createDeviceInfoList.
- Raises:
DeviceError – If the device cannot be opened.
- Returns:
An instance of the FTD2XX class if successful. Use it as a context manager.
- Return type:
- with openEx(b”MyDevice”, update=False) as dev:
dev.write(b”Hello World”)